SECURE CHECKOUT - Gifts Clothing uses secure processing through Paypal.com.
RETURNS/EXCHANGES - are allowed up to 2 weeks after the item has been received. Package must be in the original packing. For any exchanges/returns customer will provide shipping fees back to our Houston, Texas location. For exchanges related to size/fitting, customer will pay for shipping expenses of new product. Returns/Exchanges will only occur at the time that the product has been received in the location.
For all returns allow 5 business days to a week for the credit to show back on your account. Any Exclusive Items or Sale/Discounts items are final sale and no returns are allowed. If exchange is requested for alternative product, same procedure above is in place.
PRIVACY - Any information that Gifts Clothing collects is for internal use only. Credit Card information is not saved. Gifts do not collect personal information such as your name, email address, postal address, or telephone number.
All the original products and content on our website is property of Gifts Clothing.